

I crave strong, hot coffee and perfectly browned toast, but life often interferes. I choose to search for the beauty and humor in the chaos.


But I Love It!

But I Love It!

I am of the opinion that no one should wear socks with sandals. There is absolutely no exception to this rule.

At 3 years old, my boy did not understand this rule. I tried to explain it to him, but he only responded, "But, I love to wear socks with my sandals." This became his response to everything.

"Kaden, we need to leave the park now."

"But I love the park."

"Kaden, we need to clean up your toys now."

"But I love to have my toys out."

What a silly response, right? He doesn't really LOVE all of those things.

But how often do I say the same thing to God?

As I feel Him gently nudging me to stop watching a TV show or movie . . . "But, I love (that show or movie)."

As I feel Him prompting me to speak to a stranger . . . "But, I love my solitude right now."

As I sense Him leading me to serve someone in my family . . . "But, I love just reading my book in my comfy chair."

Was it really a big deal for my 3-year-old to not wear socks with his sandals? Of course not! (4 or 5 years down the road -- the answer would definitely be yes)

However, it is a big deal to listen and obey God's voice, with a good attitude. I want to be sensitive to His leading, not loving my selfish desires more than I love Him.

I Applaud You, Mothers!

I Applaud You, Mothers!

Turn Off the Head-Beeper

Turn Off the Head-Beeper