

I crave strong, hot coffee and perfectly browned toast, but life often interferes. I choose to search for the beauty and humor in the chaos.


On the Plateau

On the Plateau

Easter: what a wonderful day to celebrate the resurrection of Christ! Because of Christ's resurrection from the dead, we, as believers in Christ, will also be raised from the dead in due time.

Whether we are employed by the church or volunteer our time and talents to the church, we have just come off a big weekend. I would venture to say we put extra time and energy into inviting people to church whether through outreach events like cookouts and egg hunts or passing out invite cards. We may have participated in extra rehearsals for the church service. Whew! What a great service! Look at all God did! . . . Now what?

In the church world, we might refer to Easter weekend as a mountaintop experience. When I hear this expression, I always think of Moses. "The Lord came down on the top of Mount Sinai and called Moses to the top of the mountain. So Moses climbed the mountain." Exodus 19:20 (NLT) God revealed Himself to Moses on Mount Sinai, creating a covenant between God and the people of Israel and giving them specific instructions on how to live.

What an amazing time that must have been, basking in the glory of God surrounding that place! However, how many times in the Old Testament do we read of the Israelites ignoring the commands of God and returning to their old and sinful ways? Periods of sin and rebellion always led to difficulty in the lives of the Israelites. That's when they cried out to God, turning away from their wickedness.

The mountaintop experiences that flood our souls with praise for God as well as the lows of the valleys when all we can manage is to cling to God are both times of closeness with God. How can we walk along the plateau of daily life without turning to sin and rebelling against God as the Israelites did?

Moses spent time with God in the Tent of Meeting. In Exodus 34:32-34 we see the regular practice of Moses. He entered the Tent of Meeting in order to speak to God and hear the instructions God had for Moses. As we walk along the plateau between the mountaintop and the valley, are we intentionally and regularly spending one-on-one time with God, speaking to Him and listening to His voice?

Moses didn't stay in the Tent of Meeting. He shared God's instructions with the Israelites. Are we filling our minds and hearts with God without pouring into the lives of others, to the point of gluttony? We are not meant to inhale His presence, His goodness, His instruction without exhaling that presence, goodness, and instruction as a blessing to others.

As we come down the mountain of Easter celebration, how will we prepare to walk the plateau of everyday life?


Calling Out

Calling Out

Unlimited Room

Unlimited Room