

I crave strong, hot coffee and perfectly browned toast, but life often interferes. I choose to search for the beauty and humor in the chaos.


A Treasured Gift

A Treasured Gift


The tide splashed over the rocks a few feet away. I retreated several steps. Still, Kaden climbed. At the top of the boulder, he gazed in awe at the last rays of the day sparkling over the water. As the sun continued to dip and the water continued its march inland, I insisted it was time to head back to the stairs leading up to the walkway above the cliff face.





Kaden stepped carefully around pools of water. We negotiated the rocks to peer through the crevice teeming with sea life.   








We posed for silly pictures below the natural archway.








We lingered as the tide crept ever closer. Before heading up the stairs, we paused to drink in the beauty of the sunset over the Pacific Ocean. It was a moment suspended in time -- breathtaking beauty presented as a gift from our Creator.



We celebrate the gift of a baby born in a manger this season--the gift of Immanuel, God with us ... but He doesn't stop there. God heaps gifts upon us: living water -- salvation (John 4:10); peace (John 14:27); the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:38); and spiritual gifts

But He doesn't stop there . . .

The salty air, the beautiful sunset, the sound of waves crashing on rocks, the few minutes spent with my son building memories -- all are a gift from God. Whether we're at the beach or stuck at home or confined to a cubicle . . . whether we're listening to the sound of crashing waves or a crying baby . . . whether we're with our loved ones or alone, God overwhelms us with gifts -- an encouraging text, a smile from a stranger, a clear blue sky, the fresh smell of pine trees, the breath in our lungs, a new day. In this season of celebrating the gift of Jesus, let's not forget to appreciate the gift of today. May our eyes be open to the many gifts God showers on us each day.

And We Wait

And We Wait

The Benefit of Trust

The Benefit of Trust