

I crave strong, hot coffee and perfectly browned toast, but life often interferes. I choose to search for the beauty and humor in the chaos.


Do You Still Want It Fixed?

Do You Still Want It Fixed?

It seems like every retail store offers some type of warranty on its products.

Most times we roll the dice, thinking by the time the product needs a repair, the extra warranty we diligently paid for 2 years would've provided the money to buy a brand new product. 

However, when my husband bought my engagement ring nearly 18 years ago, he decided to buy the warranty. Kay Jewelers will clean and repair my ring as long as I take it in for a check-up every 6 months. They'll even replace a lost stone! 

The last time I took it in, one of the prongs holding the solitaire was bent. The jeweler informed me that they would have to send it out to have it fixed. She then asked, "Do you still want to have it fixed?" 

It seemed like a silly question to me so I said, "Of course! I don't want to damage the ring any further."

She replied, "You'd be surprised how many people don't want to bother with having their jewelry fixed when they hear the process is a little more involved."

A little more involved? All I have to do is sign over the ring. They fix it, polish it, and call me when it's ready to be picked up. I'm not sure it could get much easier.

Yet isn't that how we treat God? He wants to heal our broken hearts. He doesn't ask for payment since His Son has already paid the price. He offers to do the healing. All we have to do is surrender our hearts to Him. He lovingly takes it in His hands and tenderly heals the damaged areas until it's whole again. 

“God blesses those who are poor and realize their need for him, for the Kingdom of Heaven is theirs. God blesses those who mourn, for they will be comforted." Matthew‬ ‭5‬:‭3-4‬ (NLT)

God asks, "Do you still want Me to fix it?"

My response is, "Of course! I surrender my heart to You."

Air Filter

Air Filter

Crazy Hair, Part 2

Crazy Hair, Part 2