

I crave strong, hot coffee and perfectly browned toast, but life often interferes. I choose to search for the beauty and humor in the chaos.


Filling a Void

Filling a Void

The popcorn surface pricks my toes as I walk along the ceiling. I morph from small and intimidated to towering over the world. Flipped upside down and safe in his arms, I view the room from a different perspective. Confident in his strength, my thoughts on life and the future begin to mold into something altogether different.

This man I adore challenged my perception my whole life.

He taught me that dogs show love by whacking scrawny girls with their rod-like tails.

His eyes followed the train as it chugged around the track in his man cave. He showed me that adults could play with toys, too.

Being 15 minutes early is to be on time; being on time is to be late. Well, he passed on that truth but putting it into practice is another story.

On Thanksgiving, the people are primary, the feast is secondary. Pass the mussels, shrimp cocktail, and oysters, please.

Words said while driving are best left in the car.

Eggs made with the secret ingredient do not compare with any other kind.

Education is paramount. Chase after it, no matter what it costs.

Life is better with animals.

A joke told in the wrong place at the wrong time is still hilarious.

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Even when my phone calls and visits were lacking, his love never faltered. Love is about being there … always.

His smile came easy and his laugh often. His eyes twinkled with mischief. His hugs engulfed me like a warm blanket.

Was he perfect? No.

Did he fill a void in my heart? A thousand times yes.

I will miss you, Uncle. I love you … always.

Does God Hear Me?

Does God Hear Me?

Forever a Student

Forever a Student