

I crave strong, hot coffee and perfectly browned toast, but life often interferes. I choose to search for the beauty and humor in the chaos.


The Day After Easter . . . Now What?

The Day After Easter . . . Now What?

Jesus, the Son of God, was born in a manger in Bethlehem.

He began His public ministry at the age of 33.

He performed miracles, taught the masses, healed the sick and lame, poured His life into His disciples, and raised the dead.

He paid the ultimate sacrifice for our sins, though He was sinless.

He was crucified, laid in a tomb, and on the third day, rose again.

He conquered death so that we might have eternal life.

For this amazing gift of salvation, we celebrate Easter.

We invite others -- friends, acquaintances, and strangers alike -- to join in the celebration at our churches. We long for others to hear the Good News, the gospel. Hallelujah! What a great day!

But what now?

As believers and followers of Christ, let's not wait until next Easter rolls around to be grateful for His sacrifice. Let's not wait until our church prints special invite cards to invite our friends and acquaintances, as well as complete strangers, to church. Let's not wait until next year to share the Good News with those that are longing to hear it.

Let's not wait.

Here Is Where We Part Ways

Here Is Where We Part Ways

Different from Home

Different from Home