

I crave strong, hot coffee and perfectly browned toast, but life often interferes. I choose to search for the beauty and humor in the chaos.


17 Years and Counting . . .

17 Years and Counting . . .

On Saturday, my husband and I celebrated 17 years of marriage. That is CRAZY!

You'd think that I would have been dining in a romantic restaurant with Scott, reminiscing about the ups and downs of our marriage, remembering the many reasons we chose to marry each other so many years ago.

Nope! Instead, I spent the day at a farm with a bunch of 6-9 year olds, eating hot dogs and cutting out the frame of a pinewood derby car. Side note: the car "kit" came with a block of wood, 4 nails, and 4 wheels. What?! We had to draw our own design, cut it out on a circular saw, sand it with a belt sander, paint it, weigh it, etc...

Our family has entered the world of scouting. I'd like to say that just my son, Kaden has joined Scouts but it turns out that's not how Scouts work.

I understand the need to drive Kaden to and from his den meetings; he is only 9 so he obviously can't drive himself yet. I also get that it falls to me to buy him a shirt and patches. (The fact that I have to sew said patches on said shirt was almost a deal-breaker for me.)

Receiving a letter from the Bear leader detailing what Kaden needs to work on to progress was when I felt myself slipping into Scouting life, whether I wanted to or not. Here's a quote from the letter: "Over the next couple of weeks if you would do Achievement 17 requirement a & f. Also requirement a,c,e, & f in achievement 18." I'm sorry . . . what language is this? I suppose having a book would help?

Please don't misunderstand me: I am so grateful for the sweet heart of this leader to accept Kaden into the group so far into the year. She has been so great in spending extra time in getting him up to speed with badges and belt loops and stars (?).

I'm just thinking that we may have bitten off more than we can chew here.

Who knew that Scouts involved the entire family?

Admittedly, probably everyone but us.

Well, happy anniversary to me!

I Need All of You!

I Need All of You!

Training to Be an Athlete

Training to Be an Athlete