

I crave strong, hot coffee and perfectly browned toast, but life often interferes. I choose to search for the beauty and humor in the chaos.


30 Days All Rolled into One

30 Days All Rolled into One

I'm an all-or-nothing type of person. I have days when I get more work done in a day than another person would in three or four days. Other days it seems like too much work to go upstairs to get my phone that's charging so I just put off the call I needed to make until I can send one of my kids upstairs to get it. In light of this honest evaluation of myself, I've decided to just make one list of thirty things I'm thankful for in one shot, rather than doing one each day of the month like the entirety of Facebook does this time of year. I don't want to be left out of the joy of being thankful, but posting everyday seems like a lot of work.

1. Coffee -- I am one of those people you might catch breathing in the wonderful smell before the first drink, eyes rolling up in my head as the hot, preferably dark roast, liquid soothes my throat going down. Ahhh. Ok, I better move on.

2. Friends -- You know who you are since I tell you on a pretty regular basis how much I love hanging out with you and how much I appreciate your friendship.

3. Showers -- It gets cold in Virginia so the only cure (besides the afore-mentioned coffee) to truly get warm is a steaming shower.

4. Books -- I get so involved in the stories that I get sad when I finish one because I start missing my favorite characters. (They may or may not be the friends I was referring to in #2.)

5. Audiobooks -- You might think I made a mistake. Wasn't this already listed? Audiobooks are worth a separate shout-out. I used to be so bored doing housework, especially laundry. Now my mind can be in a well-crafted fantasy world while my body is slogging through the mundane chores of life.

6. Pinterest -- I won't let myself get on Pinterest too often since it feels a little like going down the rabbit hole; I'm afraid I may never come out. Where else can you find humor, a new recipe, and a new hairdo all in the same place?

7. Hoodies -- They're so soft and warm on the inside. They have pockets for my phone in order to keep my hands free while I'm listening to those audiobooks during the seemingly endless chores. Plus if I add sunglasses I can pretend for just a moment to be a movie star who must go incognito.

8. Cars -- I've ridden a horse before and I've gone on a hayride. They aren't the most comfortable way to get around, nor are they the smoothest of rides. I wouldn't like to go back to riding horses or riding in a carriage (which I'm assuming would feel like a hay ride).

9. Massage therapists -- No need to explain, right?

10. GPS -- I have only ever failed one class in my life--geography. When I read news articles, sometimes I think they're just making up the name of  a country just to make the story more interesting. Transnistria? Kiribati? Comoros? I still need my GPS to get me to my favorite restaurant in the next big town over.

11. Smart phones -- I hear you that these devices can keep us from our flesh-and-blood relationships, but who really wants to go back to the mammoth ten-pounders we could only make phone calls on?

12. Google -- Remember what your mom used to say when you were curious about something? "Why don't you go look it up in the encyclopedia?" Ugh! Most often, it just wasn't worth knowing to go through that hassle.

13. Gelato -- Rich, creamy goodness: what more could you want?

14. A garage -- I fully appreciate not having to struggle with an umbrella while getting in the car during a rainstorm.

15. Cute hats -- Sometimes my schedule just doesn't include time to spend on my hair.

16. Slippers -- It's like a hug from a soft blanket for my feet.

17. My husband -- Yes, he has all of the amazing qualities you might associate with a great husband, but it all comes down to this: he's my favorite person to hang out with.

18. My kids -- In spite of all the mistakes I've made and all of the ways I've messed up my kids over the years, they're still pretty amazing humans.

19. Makeup -- Hiding imperfections, covering dark circles, brightening dull, perpetually tired eyes, and creating the illusion of defined cheek bones is nothing short of magic.

20. The Bible -- It is the very Word of God. It feeds me and fills me like NOTHING else can.

21. Dan River Church -- It continually amazes me that God chooses to use me in the lives of others through my church. I'm so grateful for how God uses them in my life as well.

22. Airplanes -- While I would rather be able to fly myself (like a superhero) or have a jet-pack, I am glad that I don't have to drive all the way to California to visit my family.

23. All household appliances, electricity, gas, and indoor plumbing -- I read books by Laura Ingalls Wilder and think to myself, "No, thanks." I would rather not have to bundle up in the dead of winter to make a trip to the outhouse.

24. My family -- My family is spread all over the United States (and Europe, if you count extended family). I don't get to see them as often as I would like. (I could if I had that jet-pack. Someone needs to get to work on that. Shouldn't we have had them by now?) I miss them so much!

25. Music -- It energizes me to work out. It puts me in the mood for Christmas. It softens my heart to hear from God. Powerful stuff.

26. LASIK -- I LOVE not wearing glasses and contacts anymore!

27. Indoor pools -- Having grown up in Southern California, as well as spending many years in Florida, I hated the idea of swimming only three months of the year when we moved to North Carolina then Virginia. YMCA to the rescue! Swimming for all . . . even when it's ten degrees outside!

28. Mentors -- Paul tells us, “Dear brothers and sisters, pattern your lives after mine, and learn from those who follow our example.” ‭(Philippians‬ ‭3:17‬ ‭NLT‬‬) I am thankful for those who show me a wonderful example of how to live for Christ in everyday life.

29. Eucalyptus-mint lotion -- It moisturizers during those dry winter months and has the added benefit of relieving stress.

Saving the best for last:

30. God -- My Savior, Healer, Provider, Protector, Comforter, Creator, Guide . . . my Everything.

I could go on, but that'll have to do for now. I am going to go enjoy the things I've listed. Happy Thanksgiving! May your heart be filled with joy this day and every day of the coming year.

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